Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Seven and counting... Just kidding. We are done!

**Doug, please notice that Landon has a bigger penis than you do!**
Hi there.

During the wee hours of the morning our latest addition to our family was born. Lara gave birth to Landon at 12:51am. He is 7 lbs 4 oz and 21 in long! He is healthy and happy, eating, sleeping and pooping just like his uncle buck! (haha just kidding Doug) Hopefully we can take our superstar home tonight, as we are awaiting approval from the doc.

Year the air is the same at my one for everything else. I well try to post again soon because mom said.


1 comment:

DBMPSchiffman said...

His penis is bigger than my one. That's o.k. though. It's not the size of the ship, it's the motion of the ocean. I hope he poops 15 times a day for your little remark. Congrats. He is cute, like his uncle Buck!!